MBRGI向难民署认捐了1 000万美元,用于在达沃斯提供难民支助,自2021年以来,总额达4 460万美元。 MBRGI pledged $10 million to UNHCR for refugee support at Davos, totaling $44.6 million since 2021.
在达沃斯世界经济论坛上,Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum全球倡议(MBRGI)承诺提供3,670万阿塞拜疆第纳尔(1 000万美元)支持难民署为流离失所社区开展的可持续项目。 At the World Economic Forum in Davos, the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI) committed AED36.7 million (US$10 million) to support UNHCR's sustainable projects for displaced communities. 这使MBRGI自2021年以来的捐款总额达到1.636亿丹麦第纳尔,使13个国家的70多万难民受益。 This brings MBRGI's total contributions since 2021 to AED163.6 million, benefiting over 700,000 refugees in 13 countries. 协议强调MBRGI注重人道主义援助、医疗保健、教育、创新和社区赋权。 The agreement highlights MBRGI's focus on humanitarian aid, healthcare, education, innovation, and community empowerment.