在2024年多哈论坛上,各国领导人推动全球人道主义外交战略,以改善援助危机地区。 At Doha Forum 2024, leaders push for a global humanitarian diplomacy strategy to better aid crisis zones.
在2024年多哈论坛上,发言者强调需要协调人道主义外交战略,以改进全球应对危机的措施。 At the Doha Forum 2024, speakers highlighted the need for a coordinated humanitarian diplomacy strategy to improve crisis response globally. 卡塔尔红新月会(QRCS)正在制定《全球人道主义外交宪章》,以加强援助的提供和保护弱势群体。 The Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) is developing a 'Global Charter for Humanitarian Diplomacy' to enhance aid delivery and protect vulnerable groups. 此外,中东全球事务理事会与卡塔尔慈善组织签署了一项谅解备忘录,就研究和倡议进行合作,卡塔尔慈善组织和亚当·史密斯国际也签署了一项谅解备忘录,就人道主义和发展方案进行合作。 Additionally, the Middle East Council on Global Affairs and Qatar Charity signed an MoU to collaborate on research and initiatives, and Qatar Charity and Adam Smith International also signed an MoU to cooperate on humanitarian and development programs.