马来西亚的通货膨胀率在12月达到近年最低点,为1.7%,标志着自2022年以来持续下降。 Malaysia's inflation rate hit a near-year low of 1.7% in December, marking a continued decline since 2022.
马来西亚年通货膨胀率于2024年12月降至1.7%, Malaysia's annual inflation rate dropped to 1.7% in December 2024, the lowest in nearly a year, according to the Department of Statistics. 这是与前一个月1.8%相比的下降,是自2022年以来连续两年下降。 This is a decline from the previous month's 1.8% and follows a two-year consecutive decrease since 2022. 造成这种温和的因素包括个人护理、社会保护和保健等领域的物价上涨放缓。 Factors contributing to this moderation include slower price increases in areas like personal care, social protection, and health. 尽管如此,食品和饮料价格略微加快,上升到2.7%。 Despite this, food and beverage prices saw a slight acceleration, increasing to 2.7%. 2024年的平均年通货膨胀率为1.8%,比2023年的3.3%有所下降。 The average annual inflation rate for 2024 was 1.8%, down from 3.3% in 2023.