马来西亚的消费物价指数在9月份降至1.8%, Malaysia's CPI declined to 1.8% YoY in September, marking the lowest rate in 5 months.
马来西亚消费物价指数(CPI)在9月份跌至1.8%, Malaysia's consumer price index (CPI) dropped to 1.8% year-on-year in September, marking the lowest rate in five months and falling short of economists' expectations of 1.9%. 这一下降受运输和通信服务价格增长放缓的影响。 This decline was influenced by slower price growth in transportation and communication services. 核心通货膨胀率也降至1.8%。 Core inflation also fell to 1.8%. 10月份的月价格保持稳定。 Monthly prices remained stable in October. 关键因素包括食品价格上涨1.6%,住房费用上涨3.1%。 Key factors included a 1.6% rise in food prices and a 3.1% increase in housing costs.