马来西亚教育部为在Kemaman被殴打的残疾人的子女提供咨询。 Malaysia's education ministry offers counselling to children of a disabled man assaulted in Kemaman.
马来西亚教育部正在向在凯马曼被殴打的残疾男子的子女提供咨询。 Malaysia's Ministry of Education is offering counselling to the children of a disabled man assaulted in Kemaman. 部长与受害人的家人进行了联系,得知他的两个学龄儿童情况良好。 The minister contacted the victim's family, learning his two school-aged children are well. 该部旨在提供心理支持,并请求对儿童进行心理社会评估。 The ministry aims to provide psychological support and has requested a psychosocial assessment for the children. 这一事件凸显了教育部对包容性教育的承诺,以及到2030年为有特殊需要的学生开办教育机构的计划。 This incident highlights the ministry's commitment to inclusive education and plans to equip institutions for students with special needs by 2030.