得克萨斯州科技健康科学中心受到网络入侵 暴露了病人的个人和医疗数据 Texas Tech Health Sciences Center suffered a cyber breach exposing patients' personal and medical data.
9月17日至29日, Texas Tech大学健康科学中心及其El Paso分会遭遇网络安全漏洞, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and its El Paso branch experienced a cybersecurity breach between September 17 and 29, potentially exposing sensitive patient information like names, addresses, financial details, and medical records. 受影响的个人正在得到通知,并获得免费的身份监测服务。 Affected individuals are being notified and offered free identity monitoring services. 该中心正在审查安全政策,并敦促受影响的个人监测身份盗窃情况。 The center is reviewing security policies and urging affected individuals to monitor for identity theft.