碳市场投资者发起1.5B“Race to Belém”倡议, 以保护亚马逊雨林。 Carbon markets investor launches $1.5B "Race to Belém" initiative to protect the Amazon rainforest.
为了保护亚马逊雨林, 一个由Mercuria支持的碳市场投资者发起的15亿美元的"奔跑到贝莱姆"计划. A $1.5 billion initiative called "Race to Belém" to protect the Amazon rainforest was launched by a carbon markets investor backed by Mercuria. 该计划由Silvania牵头,与国际自然保护协会和自然保护协会合作,出售与雨林保护有关的信贷。 The plan, led by Silvania, collaborates with Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy to sell credits tied to rainforest preservation. 它涉及与巴西各州、农民和社区合作解决毁林问题,并旨在防止亚马逊成为碳净排放者。 It involves working with Brazilian states, farmers, and communities to address deforestation and aims to prevent the Amazon from becoming a net carbon emitter.