亚拉巴马州杰斐逊县 有三起 被怀疑为低温的 严重冬季风暴造成的死亡 Three deaths suspected as hypothermia as a severe winter storm looms in Jefferson County, Alabama.
据当地官员说,阿拉巴马州Jefferson县24小时内发生了3起疑似低温死亡事件。 Three suspected hypothermia deaths occurred within 24 hours in Jefferson County, Alabama, according to local officials. 全面调查需要六到八个星期 The full investigation will take six to eight weeks. 随着冬季暴风雨的临近,伯明翰和当地收容所开设了暖化站,并提供穿梭服务,帮助居民避免寒冷。 As a severe winter storm approaches, Birmingham and local shelters have opened warming stations and provided shuttle services to help keep residents safe from the cold.