美国成年人支持边境安全, 但反对驱逐所有非法移民。 Amid mixed views, U.S. adults support border security but oppose deporting all illegal immigrants.
美国许多成人支持加强边境安全和定点驱逐, 其中50%认为这是高度优先事项, A recent AP-NORC poll shows that many U.S. adults support increasing border security and targeted deportations, with 50% considering it a high priority. 然而,他们反对在学校和教堂中进行逮捕。 However, they oppose arrests in schools and churches. 大约40%的美国人支持驱逐所有非法移民,而同样数目的美国人则反对。 About 40% of Americans support deporting all illegal immigrants, while a similar number are opposed. 大多数美国人认为地方警察应该与联邦移民当局合作,但执行可能不受欢迎。 Most Americans believe local police should cooperate with federal immigration authorities, but implementation could become unpopular. 特朗普政府处理移民的办法可能超过公众有限的共识。 The Trump administration's approach to immigration may exceed the public's limited consensus.