Gallup民调显示,大多数美国人对特朗普处理移民、失业和安全事务充满信心。 Gallup poll shows most Americans confident in Trump's handling of immigration, unemployment, and security.
68%的美国人相信前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)将有效控制非法移民, 60%的美国人则对他能减少失业、确保国家免于恐怖主义感到乐观。 A recent Gallup poll indicates that 68% of Americans believe former President Donald Trump will control illegal immigration effectively, while 60% are optimistic about his ability to reduce unemployment and keep the country safe from terrorism. 然而,只有33%的人期望他治愈政治分歧或改善医疗保健。 However, only 33% expect him to heal political divisions or improve healthcare. 民意调查还显示,对于特朗普(Trump)让美国远离战争的能力的信心有所增强,55%的受访者表达了这一观点,高于2016年的38%。 The poll also shows increased confidence in Trump's ability to keep the US out of war, with 55% of respondents expressing this view, up from 38% in 2016.