54%的美国人支持大规模驱逐无证移民, 54% of Americans support mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, according to a recent Scripps News/Ipsos poll.
54%的美国人支持大规模驱逐无证移民, 包括25%的民主党。 A recent Scripps News/Ipsos poll indicates that 54% of Americans support the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, including 25% of Democrats. 39%的受访者在57%的通货膨胀率之后,将移民列为头等大事。 Immigration ranks as a top issue for 39% of respondents, following inflation at 57%. 民调在特朗普承诺大规模驱逐后不久进行, 显示出重大党派分歧: 共和党86%和独立党58%支持该政策。 The poll, conducted shortly after Trump’s pledge for mass deportations, shows a significant partisan divide: 86% of Republicans and 58% of Independents back the policy. 对非公民投票的关切很高,特别是在共和党人中间。 Concerns about non-citizens voting are high, especially among Republicans.