两名男子因与一个印度家庭死亡有关的人口走私行动被定罪。 Two men convicted over a human smuggling operation linked to the death of an Indian family.
两名男子被判犯有与一次人口走私行动有关的指控,这次行动造成印度一家人死亡。 Two men have been convicted of charges related to a human smuggling operation that resulted in the death of an Indian family. 该计划涉及向加拿大偷运人员,但报告没有具体说明导致其家人死亡的详细情况。 The scheme involved smuggling individuals into Canada, but details leading to the family's death were not specified in the reports. 官员们强调这类非法活动的危险。 Officials stressed the dangers of such illegal activities.