研究表明,儿童肿瘤由于炎度降低和变异减少而抗免疫疗法。 Study reveals children's tumors resist immunotherapies due to lower inflammation and fewer mutations.
研究者发现,儿童肿瘤的炎症较少,突变较少,因此对免疫系统不那么陌生,并降低了诸如检查站抑制剂等现有免疫疗法的功效。 Researchers found that children's tumors are less inflammatory and have fewer mutations, making them less foreign to the immune system and reducing the effectiveness of current immunotherapies like checkpoint inhibitors. 这项研究分析了191名0至18岁的儿童,可能导致为儿科癌症病人提供更有针对性的免疫疗法,重点是从一开始就刺激免疫细胞抗肿瘤。 This study, analyzing 191 children aged 0 to 18, could lead to more tailored immunotherapies for pediatric cancer patients, focusing on stimulating immune cells against tumors from the start. 追踪免疫反应也有助于调整个别患者的治疗。 Tracking immune responses could also help in adjusting treatments for individual patients.