研究揭示了 PD-1 治疗在加强癌症治疗和阻止自身免疫性疾病中过度活跃的免疫反应方面的潜力。 Study reveals potential for PD-1 treatments to strengthen cancer treatment and block overactive immune responses in autoimmune diseases.
纽约大学 Langone Health 的 Perlmutter 癌症中心和牛津大学的一项研究揭示了对免疫细胞表面受体 PD-1 的见解。 A study by NYU Langone Health's Perlmutter Cancer Center and the University of Oxford reveals insights into PD-1, an immune cell surface receptor. 这些发现表明,限制 PD-1 作用的治疗可以加强癌症治疗,而刺激其作用可能有助于阻止自身免疫性疾病中过度活跃的免疫反应。 These findings suggest that treatments that restrict PD-1 action can be strengthened for cancer treatment, while stimulating its action may help block an overactive immune response in autoimmune diseases. 这项研究发表在《科学免疫学》上,重点关注人体的免疫系统及其使用检查点来保护正常细胞免受免疫攻击。 The study, published in Science Immunology, focuses on the body's immune system and its use of checkpoints to spare normal cells from immune attack.