Francis Crick研究所的900万英镑研究倡议调查癌症病人的免疫疗法反应,得到联合王国政府14 500万英镑的资助。 £9m research initiative at the Francis Crick Institute investigates immunotherapy response in cancer patients, backed by £145m UK government funding.
爱丽克丝(Alex)是一名乳房瘤幸存者,他强调免疫疗法尽管产生严重的副作用,但仍能拯救生命。 Alex, a melanoma survivor, highlights the life-saving benefits of immunotherapy despite its severe side effects. 由Francis Crick研究所牵头的一项新的900万英镑研究倡议旨在调查为什么许多癌症病人对免疫疗法不作出反应。 A new £9m research initiative, led by the Francis Crick Institute, aims to investigate why many cancer patients do not respond to immunotherapy. 该项目将招收6 000名患有各种癌症的病人,以加强个性化药品和提高治疗效率,由联合王国政府提供1 450万英镑的支助。 The project will enroll 6,000 patients with various cancers to enhance personalized medicine and improve treatment efficacy, supported by £145m from the UK government.