特朗普总统下令在联邦案件中恢复使用死刑,并援助各州执行处决。 President Trump orders resumed use of death penalty in federal cases and aids states in executions.
特朗普总统签署了一项命令,指示总检察长确保各州拥有用于处决的致命注射药物,并在联邦案件中寻求死刑。 President Trump signed an order directing the attorney general to ensure states have lethal injection drugs for executions and to seek the death penalty in federal cases. 继2021年暂停联邦处决之后,特朗普上届政府又执行了13次联邦处决,这是现代史上最大规模的处决。 This follows a 2021 moratorium on federal executions and comes after Trump's previous administration carried out 13 federal executions, the most in modern history. 这项命令还鼓励司法部帮助各州维持死刑,并对涉及执法谋杀的罪行或非公民在美国非法犯下的罪行判处死刑。 The order also encourages the Justice Department to help states maintain capital punishment and to pursue the death penalty for crimes involving law enforcement murders or those committed by non-citizens illegally in the US. 在拜登总统将37项判决改为无期徒刑之后,只有三名被告仍被关押在联邦死囚牢房。 Only three defendants remain on federal death row after President Biden converted 37 sentences to life in prison.