美国在2024年死刑处决25人,新判刑26人,其死刑使用率创历史新低。 U.S. sees record low in death penalty use with 25 executions and 26 new sentences in 2024.
2024年,美国死刑使用量持续下降,主要在阿拉巴马州、俄克拉荷马州、佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州等州执行了25次处决。 In 2024, the U.S. saw a continued decline in death penalty use, with 25 executions carried out, primarily in states like Alabama, Oklahoma, Florida, and Texas. 阿拉巴马州成为第一个使用氮气执行死刑的国家。 Alabama became the first to use nitrogen gas for executions. 新的死刑判决数量降至26起,标志着10年的下降。 The number of new death sentences dropped to 26, marking ten years of decline. 公众对死刑的支持达到50年来的最低点,为53%,年轻人越来越反对。 Public support for the death penalty hit a 50-year low at 53%, with younger adults increasingly opposing it. 最高法院对死刑案件的参与也减少了,给予的留置或复审较少。 The Supreme Court's involvement in death penalty cases also decreased, granting fewer stays or reviews.