特朗普计划超过25个首日行政命令 重塑移民、能源等 Trump plans over 25 first-day executive orders to reshape immigration, energy, and more.
总统当选总统特朗普计划在就职第一天发布超过25项行政命令, 目的是重塑美国在移民、能源及其他方面的政策。 President-elect Trump plans to issue over 25 executive orders on his first day in office, aiming to reshape US policies on immigration, energy, and more. 这些行动包括击退拜登总统的边界政策,促进能源生产,并有可能改变对变性学生的保护。 These actions include rolling back President Biden’s border policies, boosting energy production, and potentially altering protections for transgender students. 与他上届任期相比,这项调动意味着大量使用行政权力。 The move signifies a significant use of executive power compared to his previous term.