俄亥俄州赢得了NCAA足球国家锦标赛, Trump的第二次就职典礼因寒冷而面临学校关闭。 Ohio State won the NCAA Football National Championship, while Trump's second inauguration faced school closures due to cold.
俄亥俄州赢得了NCAA足球全国锦标赛 击败圣母院 Ohio State won the NCAA Football National Championship, defeating Notre Dame. 在内布拉斯加州,内布拉斯加-林肯大学合唱团在特朗普总统的第二次就职典礼上演出,国家面临着危险的寒冷天气,关闭了林肯公立学校。 In Nebraska, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln choir performed at President Trump's second inauguration, and the state faced dangerously cold weather, closing Lincoln Public Schools. 法律专家警告特朗普的大规模驱逐计划可能会损害公共安全。 Legal experts warn Trump's mass deportation plans could undermine public safety.