俄亥俄州立大学在大学橄榄球季后赛赔率中领先;顶级球队拥有新的四分卫和丰厚的奖金。 Ohio State leads College Football Playoff odds; top teams feature new quarterbacks and big payouts.
俄亥俄州赞成以+450的赔率赢得2025学院足球决赛,接下来是得克萨斯州、格鲁吉亚州和俄勒冈州。 Ohio State is favored to win the 2025 College Football Playoff with +450 odds, followed by Texas, Georgia, and Oregon. 所有前四队将都有新的四分卫 All top four teams will have new starting quarterbacks. 最顶尖的六点由大10队和SEC队主导,圣母院为+1600。 The top six spots are dominated by Big 10 and SEC teams, with Notre Dame at +1600. 俄亥俄州立大学和圣母大学因参加本赛季所有四轮 CFP 而各获得 2000 万美元,俄亥俄州立大学的收入由十大球队分享。 Ohio State and Notre Dame each received $20 million for participating in all four rounds of the CFP this season, with Ohio State's earnings shared among Big Ten teams. 2025年CFP国家锦标赛的奖金总额为2 000万美元,用于获胜团队。 The total prize money for the 2025 CFP National Championship is $20 million for the winning team.