格鲁吉亚尽管可能遭受证交会损失,仍可能留在CFP的前12名中;更新周日的排名。 Georgia likely stays in top 12 for CFP despite potential SEC loss; rankings update Sunday.
尽管在美国中部联赛中可能输给德克萨斯, 乔治亚仍然是季后赛的强大竞争者, The latest College Football Playoff (CFP) rankings show that despite a potential loss to Texas in the SEC Championship, Georgia remains a strong contender for the playoff, likely staying in the top 12. 俄亥俄州立大学的排名在输给密歇根州后下降,而俄勒冈州仍然保持不败,位居榜首。 Ohio State's ranking dropped after losing to Michigan, while Oregon remains undefeated at the top. 最后的CFP排名和括号将在本周日公布, The final CFP rankings and bracket will be revealed this Sunday, with conference title games significantly impacting team placements. Boise State和UNLV等团队也在争夺赛点, 比赛的赢家在决赛中获得高种。 Teams like Boise State and UNLV are also competing for spots, with the winner of their game securing a high seed in the playoff.