俄亥俄州和圣母院将在1月20日 参加全国大学足球锦标赛 Ohio State and Notre Dame will play for the national college football championship on Jan. 20.
俄亥俄州立大学和圣母大学将在 1 月 20 日的全国大学橄榄球锦标赛中对决,尽管两支球队在本赛季早些时候都经历了爆冷的失利。 Ohio State and Notre Dame will face off in the national college football championship on January 20, despite both teams experiencing upset losses earlier in the season. 俄亥俄州以其第六个AP国家称号为目标,赞成以9.5点的分布获胜。 Ohio State, aiming for its sixth AP national title, is favored to win with a 9.5-point spread. 圣母院寻求自1988年以来第一个头衔。 Notre Dame seeks its first title since 1988. 两支球队的四分卫都转学到他们的学校,目标是赢得全国冠军,这标志着东南联盟第二年缺席决赛。 Both teams' quarterbacks transferred to their schools with the goal of winning a national title, marking the second year the Southeastern Conference will be absent from the final.