在纽约奥格登斯堡,警察追逐结束时,一辆汽车撞入一栋房屋,造成轻伤。 In Ogdensburg, NY, a police chase ended with a vehicle crashing into a house, causing minor injuries.
在纽约Ogdensburg的一次警察追逐中,最后在司机逃离交通站后,一辆汽车撞入一栋房子。 A police chase in Ogdensburg, New York, ended with a vehicle crashing into a house after the driver fled a traffic stop. 追逐始于圣劳伦斯郡治安官办公室试图拦下车辆时。 The chase began when the St. Lawrence County Sheriff's Office attempted to stop the vehicle. 司机撞上了另一辆汽车,然后撞进一个家,仅造成轻伤。 The driver hit another car before crashing into a home, causing only minor injuries. 司机的身份尚未公布,调查还在继续。 The driver's identity is not yet public, and the investigation continues.