汽车追逐以一名嫌犯撞入一栋房子而告终,在405号高速公路上阻塞交通达数小时之久。 A car chase ended with a suspect crashing into a house, stalling traffic on the 405 Freeway for hours.
警方在Culver市追逐后, 一名疑犯将车撞到高速公路的护栏上, 然后撞到房子的屋顶, 造成405高速公路交通严重中断。 A police chase in Culver City ended with a suspect crashing their car into a freeway guardrail and then onto the roof of a home, causing significant traffic disruptions on the 405 Freeway. 追逐开始于司机因驾驶高速公路肩膀而被停车时。 The chase began when the driver was pulled over for driving on the freeway shoulder. 房屋遭受重大损坏,但据报没有人受伤。 The home suffered major damage but no injuries were reported. 交通停顿了数小时,嫌犯在坠机现场附近发现一把手枪后被拘留。 Traffic was stalled for hours, and the suspect was taken into custody after a handgun was found near the crash site.