尼日利亚匪徒Abu Radde和Umar Black投降武器,15名俘虏在军事压力下获释。 Nigerian bandits Abu Radde and Umar Black surrender weapons, free 15 captives after military pressure.
尼日利亚臭名昭著的匪帮头目Abu Radde和Umar Black在Katsina州发生激烈军事行动后,已交出武器并释放15名俘虏。 Notorious Nigerian bandit leaders Abu Radde and Umar Black have surrendered their weapons and freed 15 captives following intense military operations in Katsina State. Katsina州政府否认与土匪进行和平谈判,但愿意接受任何自愿投降和放弃暴力的人。 The Katsina State Government denied engaging in peace negotiations with the bandits but is willing to accept any who voluntarily surrender and renounce violence. 据报告,军方的持续行动迫使强盗寻求和平。 The military's persistent operations reportedly forced the bandits to seek peace.