印地安那大学削减了25个体育领域的工作岗位,以适应国家运动员协会新的运动员补偿规则。 Indiana University cuts 25 jobs in athletics to adjust to new NCAA athlete compensation rules.
印第安纳大学在其体育系解雇了25名雇员,为与运动员分享新的收入做准备,这将使学校能够根据运动员的姓名、形象和相似性收入向运动员付款。 Indiana University has laid off 25 employees in its athletic department to prepare for new revenue-sharing with athletes, which will allow schools to pay players based on their name, image, and likeness earnings. 此举是在 NCAA 决定向之前被禁止赚取此类收入的前运动员分配 28 亿美元的财务压力下做出的。 This move comes amid financial pressures from the NCAA's decision to distribute $2.8 billion to former athletes previously barred from earning such income. 该大学的目标是在诸如合规和通信等各司中将其体育部预算减少大约10%,同时确保不削减体育课程、教练或团队工作人员。 The university aims to reduce its athletic department budget by about 10% across divisions like compliance and communications, while ensuring no sports programs, coaches, or team staff will be cut.