火灾摧毁了威尔布拉汉的四辆电动校车,使该区推迟两小时开课。 Fire destroys four electric school buses in Wilbraham, causing district to delay opening by two hours.
周二清晨Wilbraham Bus停车场发生火灾,四辆校车被毁,造成Hampden-Wilbraham地区学校区推迟两小时上学。 A fire at the Wilbraham Bus Garage early Tuesday morning destroyed four school buses, causing the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District to delay school by two hours. 火灾在凌晨1点37分左右爆发,消防人员努力控制着尚未使用的新电动巴士的火焰。 The fire broke out around 1:37 a.m., and firefighters worked to contain the blaze that engulfed new electric buses not yet in service. 火灾原因仍在调查之中,附近道路被关闭。 The cause of the fire remains under investigation, and nearby roads were closed.