印度的两起火灾——一起是校车,一起是工厂——很快被控制住了,没有伤亡。 Two fires in India—one at a school bus, one at a factory—were quickly contained with no casualties.
在Ghaziabad的Vaishali,消防员迅速扑灭了一辆校车的火灾,所有14-15名儿童都安全撤离。 A school bus fire in Vaishali, Ghaziabad, was quickly extinguished by firefighters, with all 14-15 children on board safely evacuated. 在另一起事件中,德里Vikas Nagar的工厂火灾被七次消防招标控制。 In a separate incident, a factory fire in Vikas Nagar, Delhi, was controlled using seven fire tenders. 这两起事件中都没有人员伤亡的报告。 No casualties were reported in either incident.