痴呆会降低同情心,限制关系;非营利组织通过艺术提供支持。 Dementia reduces empathy, straining relationships; nonprofits offer support through art.
最近的研究突出表明,痴呆症如何降低同情心,使患有这种疾病的个人与其照顾者之间的关系紧张。 Recent research highlights how dementia can diminish empathy, straining relationships between individuals with the condition and their caregivers. 这种同情心的下降是由于痴呆造成的大脑损伤,使得受影响者更难理解和应对情绪。 This decline in empathy is due to brain damage caused by dementia, making it harder for those affected to understand and respond to emotions. 照顾者可以通过保持日常活动的一致性、参与有意义的活动、确认感情和寻求支持,帮助维持情感联系。 Caregivers can help maintain emotional connections by keeping routines consistent, engaging in meaningful activities, validating feelings, and seeking support. 一家非营利的ARTZ费城提供艺术活动,促进痴呆病人与护理者之间的联系。 A nonprofit, ARTZ Philadelphia, offers art events to foster connections between dementia patients and caregivers. 了解这些症状并提供资源对于病人及其照顾者都至关重要。 Understanding these symptoms and providing resources is crucial for both patients and their caregivers.