阿根廷报告说,2024年贸易顺差达到创纪录的近190亿美元,扭转了赤字。 Argentina reports a record trade surplus of nearly $19 billion in 2024, reversing a deficit.
阿根廷在2024年创纪录的贸易顺差近190亿美元,高于2023年的69亿美元赤字。 Argentina recorded a record trade surplus of nearly $19 billion in 2024, up from a $6.9 billion deficit in 2023. 增长的驱动因素是出口增加33.4%,特别是农产品和工业产品的出口增加,进口增加26.2%。 The increase was driven by a 33.4% rise in exports, particularly of agricultural products and industrial goods, and a 26.2% increase in imports. 仅12月就出现了1.666亿美元的盈余。 December alone saw a surplus of $1.666 million. 尽管经济有所改善,阿根廷的国内经济仍然受到通货膨胀和全球贸易动态的压力。 Despite the economic improvement, Argentina's domestic economy remains under pressure from inflation and global trade dynamics. 巴西、美国和智利是关键的出口目的地。 Brazil, the U.S., and Chile were key export destinations.