威尔士官员因未采取行动阻止野生生物大量减少而面临批评。 Welsh officials face criticism for lack of action to halt a significant wildlife decline.
威尔士政府环境委员会批评政府计划和投资不足, 阻止野生生物减少, 30年来野生生物减少了20%。 The Welsh government's environment committee has criticized the government for insufficient plans and investment to halt wildlife decline, which has seen a 20% decrease in wildlife over 30 years. 报告呼吁采取更多行动,并批评政府拖延和未履行承诺。 The report calls for more action and criticizes the government for delays and undelivered commitments. 威尔士政府承认这些问题, 宣称致力于解决“自然紧急情况”, 并将考虑提出的30项建议。 The Welsh government, acknowledging the issues, claims it is committed to tackling the "nature emergency" and will consider the 30 recommendations provided.