澳大利亚政府因保护濒危物种的禽流感资金不足而面临批评。 Australian government faces criticism for inadequate bird flu funding to protect endangered species.
澳洲政府因资金不足, 无法应对禽流感的潜在威胁, 可能导致野生生物大规模死亡, 包括濒危物种如澳大利亚海象和塔斯马尼亚魔鬼, The Australian government is criticized for inadequate funding to address the potential threat of bird flu, which could lead to mass wildlife deaths, including endangered species like Australian sea-lions and Tasmanian devils. 受威胁物种专员Fiona Fraser警告即将发生生态灾难,因为700万美元拨款中只有一小部分用于野生生物。 Threatened Species Commissioner Fiona Fraser warns of a looming ecological disaster, as only a small portion of the $7 million allocated focuses on wildlife. 计划举行一次环境部长会议,但对领导力不足的关切依然存在。 A meeting among environment ministers is planned, but concerns about insufficient leadership persist.