特纳古典电影 向MLK致敬 与24小时 民权主题电影马拉松 在他的假日。 Turner Classic Movies honors MLK with a 24-hour Civil Rights-themed film marathon on his holiday.
图纳经典电影公司 (TCM) 将在1月20日的24小时电影马拉松中, 纪念马丁·路德·金的生日, 展示着针对种族主义的电影. Turner Classic Movies (TCM) will honor Martin Luther King Jr. on his holiday with a 24-hour film marathon on January 20, showcasing movies that focus on the fight against racism. 包括电影“蓝色片段”、“学习树”、“桑德”和“Boycott”, 描述民权运动中的斗争和胜利。 The lineup includes films like "A Patch of Blue," "The Learning Tree," "Sounder," and "Boycott," which depict struggles and triumphs in the Civil Rights Movement. 马拉松也有纪录片,包括科雷塔·斯科特·金的外表或人物。 The marathon also features documentaries and includes appearances or characters of Coretta Scott King.