厄尔·哈迪的亚马逊新电影《King Blvd》强调底特律年轻男子面对种族主义与工作偏见的斗争。 Earl Hardy's new Amazon Prime film "King Blvd" highlights the struggles of a young Detroit man facing racism and job biases.
"国王Blvd" 由厄尔·哈迪拍摄的电影 现在在亚马逊首映 "King Blvd," a film by Earl Hardy, is now on Amazon Prime. 它探索街道上以小马丁·路德·金命名的居民的斗争和梦想,重点是底特律的一位名叫约书亚的年轻人,他面临着工作偏见和其他挑战。 It explores the struggles and dreams of residents on streets named after Martin Luther King Jr., focusing on a young man named Joshua in Detroit who faces job biases and other challenges. 这部电影利用幽默和社会评论,揭示了种族主义和气质化等问题,旨在使年轻观众参与进来,并引发关于这些社区所需的社会变革的讨论。 Using humor and social commentary, the film sheds light on issues like racism and gentrification, aiming to engage a younger audience and spark discussions about societal changes needed in these communities.