亚马逊 Prime 上的新电影《国王大道》探讨了底特律一条以马丁·路德·金命名的街道上年轻人的生活、偏见和梦想。 New film "King Blvd" on Amazon Prime explores life, biases, and dreams of young people on a Detroit street named after Martin Luther King Jr.
厄尔·哈迪 (Earl Hardy) 的电影《国王大道》(King Blvd) 现已在 Amazon Prime 上播出。 "King Blvd," a film by Earl Hardy, is now on Amazon Prime. 它以底特律为背景,讲述了年轻的约书亚和他的朋友们在马丁·路德·金 (Martin Luther King Jr.) 的街道上生活,面对偏见并梦想着更美好的未来。 Set in Detroit, it follows young Joshua and his friends as they navigate life on a Martin Luther King Jr. street, facing biases and dreaming of a better future. 这部 75 分钟的社会喜剧将幽默与对种族、政治和经济的评论融为一体,旨在引发关于这些社区的挑战和梦想的对话。 The 75-minute social comedy blends humor with commentary on race, politics, and economics, aiming to spark conversations about the challenges and dreams of these communities.