科学家发现黑猩猩参与"对抗性小便" 受社会等级影响。 Scientists find chimpanzees engage in "contagious urination," influenced by social rank.
来自京都大学的研究人员发现黑猩猩展示了“恶性小便”, 其中一只黑猩猩小便增加了其他黑猩猩采取类似做法的可能性。 Researchers from Kyoto University discovered that chimpanzees display "contagious urination," where one chimp urinating increases the likelihood of others following suit. 这种行为更加同步,并受到社会等级的影响,低层黑猩猩更有可能在上层黑猩猩之后小便。 This behavior is more synchronized and influenced by social hierarchy, with lower-ranking chimps more likely to urinate after higher-ranking ones. 这项研究发表在《当前生物学》上,观察到20只被俘黑猩猩超过600小时,标志着首次在动物中探索这一现象。 The study, published in Current Biology, observed 20 captive chimps over 600 hours, marking the first exploration of this phenomenon in animals.