在斯里兰卡军队营地失踪的70多支突击步枪;一名嫌犯被捕。 Over 70 assault rifles missing from Sri Lankan Army camp; one suspect arrested.
70多支突击步枪从斯里兰卡一个未公开的军营中失踪,引发了正在进行的调查。 Over 70 assault rifles have gone missing from an undisclosed Army camp in Sri Lanka, prompting an ongoing investigation. 现已找到两支步枪,一名47岁的民防部队成员被捕,涉嫌出售一支步枪和一枚手榴弹。 Two rifles have been recovered, and a 47-year-old Civil Defence Force member has been arrested, suspected of selling one rifle and a grenade. 科伦坡犯罪司有为期90天的拘留令供审问。 The Colombo Crimes Division has a 90-day detention order for questioning. 关于营地和所涉军官的详细情况仍然未披露。 Details of the camp and officers involved remain undisclosed. CCD 和 CID 都在调查此案,预计会有更多更新。 Both the CCD and CID are investigating the case, with more updates expected.