印度部队在查谟和克什米尔发现了一个恐怖分子用武器和简易爆炸装置藏匿的地方。 Indian forces discovered a terrorist hideout with weapons and an IED in Jammu and Kashmir.
在Reasi、查谟和克什米尔,印度安全部队根据可信的情报,在Reasi、查谟和克什米尔发现了一个恐怖分子藏身处,藏有大量武器,包括AK-47步枪、手枪、弹药和手榴弹。 Indian security forces in Reasi, Jammu and Kashmir, found a terrorist hideout containing a large cache of weapons, including an AK-47 rifle, pistols, ammunition, and grenades, following credible intelligence. 正在调查追回的物品是否与恐怖主义活动有关。 The recovered items are being investigated for links to terrorist activities. 在另一次事件中,在库普瓦拉区发现并销毁了一枚简易爆炸装置。 In a separate incident, an improvised explosive device was recovered and destroyed in Kupwara district.