渥太华消防员拯救了一名盐卡车操作员,他的脚被困在传送带上,周日初。 Ottawa firefighters rescued a salt truck operator whose foot was trapped in the conveyor belt early Sunday.
渥太华消防员营救了一名盐卡车操作员,他的脚被困在Findlay Creek的传送带上,周日清晨。 Ottawa firefighters rescued a salt truck operator whose foot was trapped in the conveyor belt early Sunday morning in Findlay Creek. 应急服务迅速作出反应,于上午6时35分关闭车辆,并使用专门设备于上午6时51分让操作员放行。 Emergency services responded quickly, shutting off the vehicle at 6:35 a.m. and using specialized equipment to free the operator by 6:51 a.m. 然后,操作员被带到一个创伤中心,没有再报告受伤情况。 The operator was then taken to a trauma center without further reported injuries.