警察和旁观者合作,从一辆坠入山谷、起火的自卸卡车中救出一名被困司机。 Police officer and bystanders collaborated in rescuing a trapped driver from a fiery dump truck crash in a ravine.
周一,一辆自卸卡车在山沟里起火碰撞,警察和旁观者合作救出了一名司机。 Police officer and bystanders collaborated to rescue a driver from a fiery crash involving a dump truck in a ravine on Monday. 联合警察峡谷巡逻队和附近的救援人员齐心协力,救出了被困司机,联合警察部门警长艾米·雷斯 (Aymee Race) 称赞旁观者在救援中发挥了至关重要的作用。 The Canyon Patrol Unit of Unified Police and nearby helpers worked together to save the trapped driver, with Unified Police Department's Sergeant Aymee Race praising the bystanders for their crucial role in the rescue. 据报道,这位不愿透露姓名的司机目前恢复良好。 The driver, who wishes to remain anonymous, is reportedly recovering well.