经合组织赞扬新加坡的财政纪律,注意到宪法平衡的预算规则和改革。 OECD commends Singapore's fiscal discipline, noting constitutional balanced budget rules and reforms.
经合组织赞扬新加坡的财政纪律,强调其《宪法》所载的平衡预算规则。 The OECD praised Singapore's fiscal discipline, highlighting its balanced budget rules enshrined in the constitution. 《净投资回报框架》等改革加强了该国的长期可持续性。 The country's long-term sustainability is bolstered by reforms like the Net Investment Returns Framework. 报告还指出了人口老龄化带来的挑战,并强调政府努力提高透明度,提高公众对财务管理的了解。 The report also notes challenges from an ageing population and emphasizes the government's efforts to increase transparency and public understanding of financial management.