副首相在成立25周年之际强调SGX的增长和新加坡的金融中心地位。 Deputy PM highlights SGX's growth and Singapore's financial hub status at its 25th anniversary.
在SGX集团成立25周年之际,副总理甘金勇强调了该交易所的增长和成功,指出该交易所在大流行病期间扩大了国际协作和作用。 At the 25th anniversary of SGX Group, Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong highlighted the exchange's growth and success, noting its expanded international collaborations and role during the pandemic. 他强调新加坡作为一个金融枢纽的地位以及资产管理行业的增长率达到5.4万亿新元。 He emphasized Singapore's position as a financial hub and the asset management industry's growth to S$5.4 trillion. Koh Boon Hwee主席承认股票市场存在挑战,并呼吁采取大胆行动,确保其可持续性,推动区域经济增长。 Chairman Koh Boon Hwee acknowledged challenges in the stock market and called for bold actions to ensure its sustainability and drive regional economic growth.