新西兰工业团体反对政府的学徒计划,担心控制会减弱。 New Zealand industry groups oppose the government's plan for apprenticeships, fearing reduced control.
新西兰若干行业团体反对政府关于未来学徒和工作场所培训的计划。 Several industry groups in New Zealand oppose the government's plan for future apprenticeships and workplace training. 政府更愿意设立8个由政府资助的行业技能委员会,以确定标准和资格,而大专院校或Te Pikenga分会将管理学徒和培训。 The government prefers creating eight government-funded industry skills boards to set standards and qualifications, while tertiary institutes or Te Pūkenga divisions will manage apprentices and training. 批评者认为,这一计划可减少工业控制和对培训过程的参与。 Critics argue this plan could reduce industry control and engagement in the training process.