墨西哥当局将封锁墨西哥与得克萨斯州之间发现的精密毒品隧道, Mexican authorities will seal a sophisticated drug tunnel found between Mexico and Texas, amid security upgrades for the inauguration.
墨西哥当局计划封锁一条秘密隧道 连接华雷斯城与得克萨斯州埃尔帕索 Mexican authorities plan to seal a secret tunnel connecting Ciudad Juarez to El Paso, Texas. 1月10日发现隧道长约1 000英尺,有照明、通风和加固装置。 Discovered on January 10, the tunnel is about 1,000 feet long, with lighting, ventilation, and reinforcement. 它被隐藏在暴风雨下水道系统中,可能要花两年时间才能建成。 It was hidden in a storm sewer system and could have taken up to two years to build. 墨西哥官员正在调查地方当局是否参与建造。 Mexican officials are investigating if local authorities were complicit in its construction. 这是在美国总统就职典礼前加强安全措施的情况下发生的。 This comes amid heightened security measures ahead of the US presidential inauguration.