美国和墨西哥执法部门发现华雷斯和埃尔帕索之间有一条走私隧道。 U.S. and Mexican law enforcement discover a smuggling tunnel between Juarez and El Paso.
美国和墨西哥的执法机构发现了一条走私隧道,连接墨西哥华雷斯和得克萨斯州埃尔帕索。 Law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and Mexico have discovered a smuggling tunnel connecting Juarez, Mexico, to El Paso, Texas. 调查涉及多个机构,包括联邦调查局、国土安全局和边界两侧的地方警察部门。 The investigation involves multiple agencies, including the FBI, Homeland Security, and local police departments on both sides of the border. 当局在隧道附近找到了挖掘工具的证据,尽管没有逮捕任何人,但随着更多细节的出现,行动仍在继续。 Authorities found evidence of digging tools near the tunnel, and while no arrests have been made, the operation continues as more details emerge.