印度生物技术领袖呼吁免征基本药品税, Indian biotech leader calls for tax exemptions on essential medicines to boost affordability.
Biocon Ltd董事长Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw敦促印度政府免除癌症、罕见疾病和慢性病药品的税费, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, chairperson of Biocon Ltd, has urged the Indian government to exempt cancer, rare-disease, and chronic disease drugs from taxes to make them more affordable. 她还呼吁降低高科技医疗设备和材料的进口关税,这样可以降低病人的费用。 She also called for reduced import duties on high-tech medical equipment and materials, which could lower costs for patients. 目前,12%的税收适用于慢性病药物,医疗设备的进口税可达36%。 Currently, a 12% tax applies to chronic disease medications, and import taxes on medical equipment can reach 36%.