在Urbana发生的一场致命的车祸造成一人死亡,四人受伤;SUV司机逃离现场。 A fatal car crash in Urbana left one dead and four injured; the SUV driver fled the scene.
星期天清晨,在伊利诺伊州Urbana大学和Coler大道交叉处发生了一起致命的车祸,涉及一辆本田公民社和一辆三菱SUV。 A fatal car accident occurred early Sunday morning at the intersection of University and Coler Avenues in Urbana, Illinois, involving a Honda Civic and a Mitsubishi SUV. 一名20岁的妇女死亡,另有四人受伤,其中两人仍在住院治疗,一人伤势危急。 A 20-year-old woman died, and four others were injured, two of whom remain hospitalized, one in critical condition. SUV司机逃离了现场。 The SUV driver fled the scene. Urbana警察局正在进行调查,并要求公众提供任何信息。 The Urbana Police Department is investigating and requesting any information from the public.