在芝加哥西北区的周末车祸中,两名妇女丧生,两人受伤。 Two women were killed and two injured in a weekend crash on Chicago's Northwest Side.
在芝加哥西北区的事故中,星期天清晨,两名妇女丧生,另有两人受伤。 Two women were killed and two others injured in a crash on Chicago's Northwest Side early Sunday morning. 一辆红色轿车与一辆黑色的SUV相撞,可能正试图翻过车道。 A red sedan collided with a black SUV that may have been attempting to turn across its lane. SUV有3名妇女,年龄分别为30岁、56岁和23岁;30岁和56岁死亡,23岁和29岁的驾驶员受伤。 The SUV had three women, ages 30, 56, and 23; the 30 and 56-year-olds died, while the 23-year-old and the 29-year-old driver of the sedan were injured. 一辆灰色轿车,由一名22岁没有受伤的男子驾驶,可能也参与其中。 A gray sedan, driven by a 22-year-old man who was not hurt, may have also been involved. 警方正在调查中,没有待审的引证。 Police are investigating, with no citations pending.