Bernard Kennedy因虐待动物导致一只牧羊犬死亡被判处4个月徒刑。 Bernard Kennedy sentenced to 4 months for animal cruelty leading to the death of a sheepdog.
63岁的Bernard Joseph Kennedy因虐待两名Maremma牧羊犬被判处四个月的徒刑,其中一人死亡。 Bernard Joseph Kennedy, 63, was sentenced to four months in prison for the cruel treatment of two Maremma sheepdogs, one of which died. Kennedy最初被判8个月徒刑,但将于5月16日获得假释。 Found guilty of multiple cruelty charges, Kennedy was initially sentenced to eight months but will be eligible for parole on May 16. 他的律师辩称,抑郁症和关系问题影响了他的行动,但塞巴委寻求以威慑为由判处徒刑。 His lawyer argued that depression and relationship issues influenced his actions, but the RSPCA sought a prison sentence for deterrence.