兽医检查员减轻了动物虐待罪的刑期;他可以养狗,罚款削减至2,000欧元。 Veterinary inspector's animal cruelty sentence reduced; he can keep dogs, fine cut to €2,000.
兽医督察Michael O'Reilly在上诉中减轻了动物虐待罪的刑期。 Veterinary inspector Michael O'Reilly had his animal cruelty sentence reduced in an appeal. 巡回法院最初禁止饲养动物7年,并罚款4 000欧元,维持了3个月的缓刑和5 000欧元的费用,但将罚款减为2 000欧元,并允许他保留9只狗,随着时间的推移减至4只。 Initially banned from keeping animals for seven years and fined €4,000, the Circuit Court upheld a three-month suspended sentence and €5,000 in costs but reduced fines to €2,000 and allowed him to keep the nine dogs he has, reducing to four over time. 法官注意到狗狗的条件有所改善。 The judge noted improvements in kennel conditions.